Role of the Administrator

The Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool (the Pool) is a statutory office holder, independent from Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments and is appointed to the position under Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation. 

The position was established by the NHR Act, and relevant legislation of each State and Territory. The Administrator is supported by the NHFB, which is also independent of all governments. 

The key functions of the Administrator, with the support of the NHFB are to:

  • calculate and advise the Commonwealth Treasurer of the Commonwealth’s contribution to public hospital funding in each State and Territory
  • reconcile estimated and actual public hospital services, and adjust Commonwealth payments
  • undertake funding integrity analysis to identify public hospital services that potentially received funding through other Commonwealth programs
  • monitor payments of Commonwealth, State and Territory public hospital funding into the Pool
  • make payments from the Pool to each Local Hospital Network (LHN)
  • report publicly on funding, payments and services
  • develop and providing three year data plans to the Commonwealth, States and Territories
  • maintain productive and effective relationships with stakeholders and industry partners, including all Australian Governments, the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC).