Australian Capital Territory basis for NHR payments 2022-23

To meet the reporting requirements of Section 240 of the National Health Reform Act 2011, the Administrator is to include the basis of each State and Territory's National Health Reform (NHR) funding and payments.

The Australian Capital Territory currently funds its public hospitals on a Block funding model. As such, the Australian Capital Territory does not apply a price per weighted service.

Whilst the Australian Capital Territory does not fund its public hospitals on an activity basis, it continues to provide activity estimates in the Australian Capital Territory Local Hospital Network (LHN) Service Level Agreement between the Australian Capital Territory Minister for Health and the Director-General of the Australian Capital Territory Health Directorate. The activity estimates reflect trending growth rates based on historical data.

The Australian Capital Territory LHN Service Level Agreement outlines:

  • the schedule of services to be delivered by or on behalf of the LHN and the funding to be provided in relation to the provision of those services
  • the Block funding to be provided to:
    • small hospitals
    • major hospitals for: 
      • Non-admitted home ventilation
      • Non-admitted mental health services, including for child and adolescent patients
      • Clinical teaching, training and research
  • standards of patient care and service delivery
  • performance standards, performance targets and performance measures for the LHN
  • requirements for the LHN to report on its performance, as required or otherwise.

The following services are funded by the Australian Capital Territory Government, through the Australian Capital Territory LHN:

  • Emergency department services
  • Acute admitted services
  • Mental health admitted services
  • Sub/non-acute admitted services
  • Non-admitted services
  • Non-admitted mental health 
  • Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
  • Non-admitted child and adolescent mental health services
  • Non-admitted home ventilation
  • Teaching, training and research
  • health services associated with responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • other NHRA out-of-scope and unallocated services.

Further information regarding the Basis for National Health Reform payments in both 2022-23 and previous financial years is included at