Western Australia basis for NHR payments 2013-14

The basis used to determine NHR payments to LHNs in Western Australia is as follows:

The 2013-14 annual funding allocations have been developed using the Western Australian Activity-Based Funding program methodology. Activity profiles have been developed consistent with the WA Health clinical services framework. The funding allocations include activity based services, block funded services and specified programs.

The national ABF classifications and associated price weights including all of the adjustments (Specialised Paediatric, Rural/remote, Indigenous, ICU and private patient) have been used to define Activity-Based Funding profiles.

The State Transitioning Price, calculated using a methodology more closely aligned to the National ABF framework, provide a more transparent basis for comparing the cost of delivering hospital services in Western Australia against the national cost benchmark (Projected Average Cost (PAC)). The gap between the total price of all hospital activity funded at the State Transition Price and the total cost of all hospital activity funded at the PAC, is called the Community Service Subsidy (CSS) payment.

Block Funding is based on budget to budget build from the previous year using State Government funding parameters consistent with the State budget.

Between March and June 2014, the Commonwealth provided Western Australia with additional public hospital funding of $17,814,236.81 under the funding measure: National Partnership on public hospital system - additional funding. This funding was provided to offset the downward adjustments to 2013-14 NHR funding applied at the 2013-14 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) and the 2014-15 Budget, due to the application of updated NHR funding indexation parameters. A requirement of the provision of this funding was that it is passed on in full through the National Health Funding Pool and/or State Managed Fund to LHNs for activity based and Block Funding, and State and Territory health departments for public health funding.

The basis used to determine NHR payments to LHNs in Western Australia is as follows:

The 2013-14 annual funding allocations have been developed using the Western Australian Activity-Based Funding program methodology. Activity profiles have been developed consistent with the WA Health clinical services framework. The funding allocations include activity based services, block funded services and specified programs.

The national ABF classifications and associated price weights including all of the adjustments (Specialised Paediatric, Rural/remote, Indigenous, ICU and private patient) have been used to define Activity-Based Funding profiles.

The State Transitioning Price, calculated using a methodology more closely aligned to the National ABF framework, provide a more transparent basis for comparing the cost of delivering hospital services in Western Australia against the national cost benchmark (Projected Average Cost (PAC)). The gap between the total price of all hospital activity funded at the State Transition Price and the total cost of all hospital activity funded at the PAC, is called the Community Service Subsidy (CSS) payment.

Block Funding is based on budget to budget build from the previous year using State Government funding parameters consistent with the State budget.

Between March and June 2014, the Commonwealth provided Western Australia with additional public hospital funding of $17,814,236.81 under the funding measure: National Partnership on public hospital system - additional funding. This funding was provided to offset the downward adjustments to 2013-14 NHR funding applied at the 2013-14 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) and the 2014-15 Budget, due to the application of updated NHR funding indexation parameters. A requirement of the provision of this funding was that it is passed on in full through the National Health Funding Pool and/or State Managed Fund to LHNs for activity based and Block Funding, and State and Territory health departments for public health funding.