Funding reports
Section 240 of the NHR Act(Opens in a new tab/window) requires the Administrator to provide monthly reports to the Commonwealth and each State and Territory. These reports are made publicly available via to improve the transparency of public hospital funding.
Monthly reports provide details of funding and payments into and out of the Pool and State Managed Funds. This information is provided at a national, State and Territory and LHN level, and details both the Commonwealth and State and Territory contributions.
The NHFB produces approximately 160 reports each month on behalf of the Administrator, comprising of:
- a national report
- a report for each State and Territory
- a report for each LHN.
These reports are prepared on a cash basis and align to the reporting of funding and payments provided in this Annual Report. Full year 2023-24 funding and payment information was published to the website on 16 July 2024, within three weeks after the end of the financial year.
To view our collection of public hospital funding reports, covering 2013 to today, please visit Funding reports.