We have a small and specialised workforce that is capable, diverse and balanced. Our workforce is supported by a flexible legislative framework under the Public Service Act 1999 with terms and conditions governed by the National Health Funding Body Enterprise Agreement 2024-2027.
Our teams
The Finance section provide financial support to the NHFB CEO and the Administrator, including maintaining the integrity of the National Health Funding Pool Payments System (Payments System). This includes working with colleagues, jurisdictions, industry partners and the RBA on further enhancements to the Payments System, improving user experience and providing training and support.
The section monitors payments of Commonwealth, State and Territory public hospital funding into the Pool and improves the transparency of payments and reporting through their engagement with stakeholders.
The section assists the Administrator in the preparation of the annual financial statements for each State and Territory Pool account which are audited by each State and Territory Auditor’s-General as well as preparation of the NHFB’s financial statements which are audited by the Commonwealth Auditor-General.
The section also manages the NHFB’s financial resources through sound budgeting and appropriate financial management practices.
Data, Modelling and Analysis
The Data, Modelling and Analysis (DMA) section develop and operate models that determine the Commonwealth funding contribution to LHNs for delivering public hospital services (over $28 billion in 2023-24).
The section also reconciles estimated and actual service volumes through a range of data submissions (over 43 million records each year) related to public hospital funding. DMA are also responsible for linking hospital activity data with Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) claims data to identify if the Commonwealth has potentially paid for the same hospital service more than once (over 610 million MBS records per annum).
The team also engages with States and Territories on data quality and timeliness, sharing best-practice approaches across jurisdictions.
Policy, Planning and Performance
The Policy, Planning and Performance section is responsible for developing the NHFB’s Strategic Direction, Corporate Plan, Portfolio Budget Statements and Annual Reports.
The section works with colleagues, jurisdictions and portfolio agencies to maintain the full suite of the Administrator’s policies, including the Administrator’s Three Year Data Plan, Data Compliance Policy, Data Governance Policy, Calculation and Reconciliation Framework and Data Matching Business Rules.
The section works with stakeholders to improve funding transparency through the development of trend analysis, including the publication of monthly funding and activity data.
The section provides essential business support services to the NHFB, CEO and Administrator across risk management, assurance, governance, human resources, communications, security, management of Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) and Secretariat for the Administrator’s JAC and NHFB's Independent Audit and Risk Committee (ARC).