Compliance reporting

Commonwealth Child Safe Framework

The NHFB is wholly committed to upholding the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework(Opens in a new tab/window) to support keeping children safe in any circumstance.  To reinforce this, our annual statement on child safety compliance for 2023-24 [please see below link] was published on 3 October 2024.

Annual statement on child safety compliance

The National Health Funding Body (NHFB) is wholly committed to upholding the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework to support keeping children safe in any circumstance.

NHFB Gifts and Benefits Register

In accordance with the Australian Public Service Commission - Guidance for Agency Heads(Opens in a new tab/window)(Opens in a new tab/window), all NHFB staff must not accept gifts or benefits that influence or could be perceived to influence, a decision or action on a particular matter.

All gifts and benefits accepted and valued at over $AUD 100 (excluding GST) must be publicly disclosed.

The NHFB will maintain and publish the register of gifts and benefits accepted, valued at more than $AUD100.00 (excluding GST). The register will be reported quarterly on this webpage.

NHFB Gifts, Benefits or Services register 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024

Date receivedDate recordedGift/Item/
Received byPresented byOrganisation Name/CountryOccasion/
Estimated value in $AUD


Privacy Impact Assessment register

Under the Privacy (Australian Government Agencies – Governance) APP Code 2017(Opens in a new tab/window)(Opens in a new tab/window) (Privacy Code), the National Health Funding Body (NHFB) is required to maintain and publish a register of the Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) conducted for all high-risk privacy projects. 

This includes projects that may involve new or changed ways of handling personal information that are likely to have a significant impact on the privacy of individuals.

Since the Privacy Code came into effect on 1 July 2018, the NHFB has not conducted any PIAs.

YearPIA titleProject descriptionDate completed
2018-19  Nil
2019-20  Nil
2020-21  Nil
2021-22  Nil
2022-23  Nil
2023-24  Nil

Requesting a PIA

This register was last reviewed on 30 June 2024.

You can request information by contacting the NHFB’s Privacy Officer at

Vulnerability Disclosure Program

Control: ISM-1717; Revision: 2; Updated: Sep-23; Applicability: All; Essential Eight: N/A

To report a vulnerability please complete the form at in a new tab/window)(Opens in a new tab/window).

For all other enquires please email

Legal Service Expenditure

Under the Legal Services Directions 2017,  Chief Executives of agencies are to ensure that their agencies’ legal services purchasing, including expenditure, is appropriately recorded and monitored and that, by 30 October each year, the agency makes publicly available records of the legal services expenditure for the previous financial year.

Total legal services expenditure, non-corporate Commonwealth entity for 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024

 2023-24 ($)
National Health Funding BodyNil

Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982(Opens in a new tab/window)(Opens in a new tab/window) (the FOI Act) gives members of the public a right to access copies of documents, other than exempt documents, that we hold.

Senate Orders and directions

Senate Order 192 (Murray Motion) requires Ministers to table a letter, stating that all Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) agencies falling under their responsibility have placed on the internet a list of contracts of $100,000 (GST inclusive) or more which are current or entered into during the previous twelve months.