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September 2018 quarter

Data Compliance Reports
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Clause B102 of the National Health Reform Agreement requires the Administrator to publish details of Commonwealth, state and territory compliance with the data requirements specified in the Administrator's Data Plan.

2012-13 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report

The 2012-13 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report details a combined Financial Statement of the National Health Funding Pool accounts, and a Financial Statement for each State and Territory State Pool Account audited by the respective Auditor–General. The report also includes the reporting required under section 241(2) of the Act on national health reform funding and payments, on a national level and for each State and Territory.

NHFP Annual Report 12-13 cover

2013-14 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report

The 2013-14 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report details a combined Financial Statement of the National Health Funding Pool accounts, and a Financial Statement for each State and Territory State Pool Account audited by the respective Auditor–General. The report also includes the reporting required under section 241(2) of the Act on national health reform funding and payments, on a national level and for each State and Territory.

NHFP Annual Report 13-14 cover

2015-16 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report

The 2015-16 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report details a combined Financial Statement of the National Health Funding Pool accounts, and a Financial Statement for each State and Territory State Pool Account audited by the respective Auditor–General. The report also includes the reporting required under section 241(2) of the Act on national health reform funding and payments, on a national level and for each State and Territory.

NHFP Annual Report 15-16 cover

2014-15 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report

The 2014-15 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report details a combined Financial Statement of the National Health Funding Pool accounts, and a Financial Statement for each State and Territory State Pool Account audited by the respective Auditor–General. The report also includes the reporting required under section 241(2) of the Act on national health reform funding and payments, on a national level and for each State and Territory.

NHFP Annual Report 14-15 cover

2016-17 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report

The 2016-17 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report details a combined Financial Statement of the National Health Funding Pool accounts, and a Financial Statement for each State and Territory State Pool Account audited by the respective Auditor–General. The report also includes the reporting required under section 241(2) of the Act on national health reform funding and payments, on a national level and for each State and Territory.

NHFP Annual Report 16-17 cover

2017-18 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report

The 2017-18 Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool Annual Report details a combined Financial Statement of the National Health Funding Pool accounts, and a Financial Statement for each State and Territory State Pool Account audited by the respective Auditor–General. The report also includes the reporting required under section 241(2) of the Act on national health reform funding and payments, on a national level and for each State and Territory.

NHFP Annual Report 17-18 cover

Three year Data Plan 2022-23 to 2024-25

Operational Documents
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This document sets out the Administrator's determination of the minimum level of data required from jurisdictions:


Data Governance Policy

Administrator Publications
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The Data Governance Policy covers both the National Health Funding Pool and the National Health Funding Body. It details the information collected, the purpose for the collection, its use, storage, disclosure and disposal, by the Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool.

Data Governance Policy

Growth and Funding Guarantees May 2014

Operational Documents
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The Growth and Funding Guarantees document sets out the approach and processes for implementing and calculating the growth and funding guarantee clauses of the National Health Reform Agreement from 2014-15.

Appendix A

Appendix B

Growth and Funding Guarantees cover May 2014